Monday, June 28, 2010

Side navigation redux

Re-working the Vermont Partnership website is like moving to a new house and trying to decide what to do with all the furniture that was specifically purchased for another house.  That big couch that looked so nice along the living room wall doesn't seem to fit neatly into any of the new rooms.  Now what?

Pardon the analogy, but that's the challenge that confronts this project.  The Vermont Partnership has a functioning website filled with page upon page of important content.  The challenge has always been to find a better way to quickly inform the reader.

The site is not lacking for stakeholders.  Here's the short list: the Governor's office; executive and business leaders who want to attract a diverse workforce; higher education leaders;  public K-12 leaders/teacher; health care providers; mental health professionals; like-minded community organizations; law enforcement/judicial system; parents and students in the school system; minority students and parents; anyone facing discrimination; anyone looking to contribute to a more socially just town; communities of color in Brattleboro.

How do these disparate constituents find the tools they'll need to answer their questions?  That challenge is at the heart of much of the difficulty associated with the sidebar navigation.

The color-coded illustration shown with this post illustrates how drop-down menus might contribute to a solution.  I just don't like the two-step drop-downs shown on the "Advocate" tab.  I don't think it will work as easily as it's shown on paper.

My short-term objective is to re-submit the next draft of the home page on June 29 which incorporates suggestions received from sponsors over the past weekend.  From there my fervent wish is to move forward with development.


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